Behind the progress

Since 1969, the Central Midlands Council of Governments (CMCOG) has been assisting local governments develop local and regional plans within the four midlands counties (Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry, Richland) of South Carolina, as well as providing local governments with planning and technical support to improve the quality of life within the region.

CMCOG currently consists of 15 member governments and serves in excess of 769,000 people by providing a regional forum, which allows local officials to seek out common goals and address regional concerns. Today, CMCOG provides a variety of local and regional planning services and technical assistance to local governments within the four-county region.

Mission Statement

To provide the highest quality of planning, technical assistance, and services to local governments, businesses, and citizens in the Central Midlands region.

Guiding Principles

  • Provide a regional forum where any local government can have issues heard that need addressing.
  • Advocate on behalf of regional governments, businesses, and citizens.
  • Provide planning and technical assistance with current and future needs of the region in mind.