CMCOG Demographic Profiles

Central Midlands Council of Governments announces a new range of custom demographic profiles.

Central Midlands COG research and planning staff now have the capability to create demographic profiles based on a custom level geography, as well as our previously available ring studies, drive time studies and census geography-based reports.

Knowing that every data request is different, all of available reports are fully customizable. Sample reports include a detailed demographic report with statistics from the 2000 and 2010 censuses as well as estimated data for 2012 and projections for 2016. We can also produce reports focusing purely on consumer expenditures, the senior market, housing unit data or by household income. We have a report to suit your data needs.

Our updated demographic profiling capabilities now gives us a greater range of demographic data tools at our disposal and continues to allow us to provide accurate demographic data to our member governments and the business community.

Ø A basic demographic profile includes 1 report and a location map) and costs $25.00

Ø An advanced demographic profile includes 2 or more reports and a location map) and costs $50.00

Ø A Custom demographic profiles (not based on recognized census geography such as counties, census tracts, municipalities, etc) includes 2 or more reports and location map) costs $75.00.

For more information, please contact Andy Simmons at CMCOG, 236 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, SC 29210. (803) 744-5148 or email

Most requests for demographic reports can be handled within 1 hour!

Click here for examples of our site analysis profiles and maps.